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Campaign Effectively with Data
We Target Market the Right People
Data is vital for your political campaign because it helps you connect with the right people, understand what matters most to voters, and use your resources wisely. By utilizing data, you can tailor your messages to resonate with voters, create effective strategies, and focus on the issues that truly matter to them. This data-driven approach will give you a competitive edge, maximize your impact, and increase your chances of success.
Behind the Data
IMDS has a target rich database of over 120 million evangelical names. To fully understand the data count categories and appendages within our database please continue to review.
Our Database
Our company has a database of over 120 million names that we utilize to target participants and engage local sponsors.
Names & Addresses
120M+ Names
- 29.2M Republican Supporters
- 79,329 Small Businesses
- 199,304 Churches
- 248,011 Pastors
Data Segmentation
- Demographic
- Psychographic
- Socio-graphic
- Motivational
- Geographic
Database Append Counts
- All data has names, addresses, and a transaction listed.
- 52 million email addresses.
- 114 million have a phone number. Cell or Home.
- 112,010,332 has a minimum of 8 appends.
- 47% with occupation
- 42 million charitable givers.
- 11 million pet owners.
- 46 million have attended a Church activity event.
- 22 million belong to a membership or association group.
- 46 million own a home.
- 74 million have a household income over $50,000 per year.
- 11.9 million African Americans.
- 7.9 million Hispanic Americans.
- 18 million veterans.
- 29,000 multi-millionaires.
- 5.2 million-gun owners.
- 49 million have at least one child in the household.
- 23 million grandparents.
- 36 million single parents.
- 29.3 million have a government or health care plan.
Recent Political Campaigns
- Trump survey responders 2016 and 2020 – 19.2M
- Conservative town hall responders – 5.2M
- Georgia Senate supporters 2020 – 4.6M
- Email responders from Pennsylvania – 856K
- Email responders from New Jersey – 432K
- Georgia church outreach – 11.5K
Group Source Categories
Political Donations
Non-Profit Donations
Faith Based Donations
Town Hall Participants
Association Memberships Donations
Music Buyers
Book Buyers
Health Care Buyers
Theatrical Film Promotion Events
Church Movie Night Campaigns
Selecting the Database
We take the time to understand your target audience and strategically segment our records.
Insight on current supporter profiles is very helpful and allows us to select individuals based on their denomination, demographic, geographic location, gift history to other charities or political affiliations, and psychographic history.
Only records that have street addresses, phone numbers and email addresses will be selected to ensure we are able to conduct marketing follow up after the townhall.